We know you guys are into it.

We’re into it.

We get asked about it all the time.

We always feel nervous to answer, as we dont want to put you in any danger.

Wild swimming.

So… before we make some location suggestions- please read HERE and HERE and HERE- 3 different sites with lots of advice on making sure you swim in open water safely. And as ever, going for a dook in the open water is done so entirely at your own risk, but please educate yourself beforehand.

Willowgate Activity Centre

A great intro to outdoor/wild/open water swimming- these guys run sessions, with a lifeguard on a paddle board in the lagoon with you. They also run courses, and private sessions.

Hot Box, Loch Tay, Swim + Sauna

A good option if you like a little hot and cold. Spend a little time in the sauna, followed by a high speed splash into the cold water of Loch Tay via their water slide.

Broughty Ferry Beach, Tentsmuir Beach, Lunan Bay or St Cyrus

If a slow potter into the water is more of your bag, head to one of these beautiful beaches for a sandy swim.

St Monans Tidal Pool, Cellardyke Tidal Pool + Pittenweem Tidal Pool

These guys are so beautiful- and provide a little shelter and safety from the sea itself. Theres also the added benefit of them being super near a great place for a hot chocolate post swim.

River Tay

There are so many wonderful little hopping in spots on the Tay, but you’ll definitely be sure to find a few near Dunkeld. Make sure the river is low and slow, and do your research on river swimming before going, especially if theres been a lot of rain recently. If you arent certain, head to the Willowgate for your Tay River dip.

Little Lochs

One of our favourite things to do is to find a wee loch on the map, take a walk to it and see when its like for a dook. A few around us that might be great for you would be Lairds Loch, Long Loch or Seamaw Loch.

Your Goodland Bath…but COLD

Or… if you dont fancy going far at all… hop straight into your Goodland woodfired hot tub at your hut, and leave the fire off. A perfect, instant cold dook.


