Whether you work all week, work all weekend or care for another individual- thinking about what you eat, and where it comes from, has to fit around your schedule. Whether we like it or not, attitudes have changed in Britain over the last few decades that have created a disconnect between shopper and the food they are purchasing. Our “busy” lives and shrinking budget allocation for food is pushing us towards mass retail at unsustainable prices (for both shoppers and producers), often grown in unsustainable ways, with vast waste and use of packaging.

Woman holding shopping basket overflowing with local produce

As much as we try to shop “local” ourselves, the above could not be more true- we find ourselves having the time to do a “weekly” shop in the evenings, usually on a weeknight- and at times when the local greengrocers or butchers is no longer open. Now, this is not obviously true for everyone- an urban individual keen to support smaller retailers can nip out in the lunch break- but as a rural dweller and worker, this isn’t quite as easy- incongruous as this may sound. Surely being surrounded by agriculture, we should be the ones who can get our hands on the produce the easiest, and have the closest connection to it.

Local seafood at the Guardswell Market, from Arbroath Quality Fish

Create an alternative to shopping at your local supermarket- the chance to purchase most things you may need- from your washing up liquid to your bag of salad leaves. 

Educate visitors about agriculture and horticulture (food production) in our area

Encourage no or low waste- ask visitors to bring jars and tubs to take food home

Promote local producers

Giving a rural area a cultural hub- bring people out into the countryside and connecting with nature.

Vegetables- including spring onions- overflowing on a produce table at Guardswell Market- grown by Guardswell Grows
Kirstin from Guardswell Grows showing shoppers her regeneratively grown, no dig, organic vegetables on the market stall
Abundant sustainable seafood at the market, sold by Arbroath quality fish
Beautiful beetroot piled high on the Guardswell Grows market table

